Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 13- My Soul Sister

This is my very special handpicked sister. The stars aligned just right and like a lost adorable puppy, my mom brought her home and I asked "can I keep her?". We have been 'sisters' for 43 yrs and she is my very favorite person on the whole planet! We have traveled together, been lost in many cities. We have cried over money, children, men, pets, weight, movies, memories and the pain of our dearest friends. We laugh all the time. She bosses me around and I let her. We can do nothing together or spend the day in Walmart and not tire of each others company. How did I get so lucky? God knew I needed a guardian angel...
I love you P


  1. So very well said! Love this photo of P.

  2. I've been blessed having you in my life. Thank you for being my sister. love you, p
